Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Library Cards!

I took all three kids to get their first library cards (well Alyssa's second...) The kids were so excited, but Schaumburg Library is so big, it was more hectic than relaxing! The kids weren't allowed to be out of my sight or there was a librarian right on top of them. I am looking forward to going during the day when maybe it isn't so crowded.
Of course Maizie lost her card while we were there. I'm hoping they find it. I looked for quite awhile, even went back without the kids. The picture is priceless, since she is throwing a temper tantrum in the picture! (Like I've said before she's recently decided that she doesn't like to have her picture taken!)
Here are some pictures for fun!
Alyssa getting her picture taken!

Casten getting his picture taken

Maizie getting her picture taken!

Just to prove she's cute sometimes! LOL!

Everyone showing off their cards and certificates!

Alyssa's certificate!