Going to the zoo FINALLY today! Maizie fell down yesterday as we were getting ready to go. She couldn't (or wouldn't!) walk on her right foot. We looked at it and she let us move it around and touch it so we didn't feel like it needed attention from the doctor. However, all of the exhibits we were going to look at for our lessons were indoors and you can't take strollers inside. So we postponed until today!
We spent a lot of time yesterday checking out our new computer games that came with our book set. I had a flashback playing Oregon Trail :) PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one that remembers that game! But we did get one game that has an entire curriculum for kindergarten to 3rd grade! It was very exciting! I was really in need of some older games for Lyssi. The ones we have are too easy for her. I was really excited to see the unit they had on the game for animal habitats! It was just PERFECT!!!!
On a different subject I want to let everyone know how incredibly SWEET my husband is :) First off he was sitting downstairs helping Lyssi with her computer games yesterday. It was so cute! Plus the kids LOVE when Jay sits with them! Also I had a taste for chocolate chip cookies last night, and he made me some from scratch :) Such a sweet guy! Thank you sweetie! I love you!