Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go!

Yesterday we had a good day of workbooks. The kids sat and worked quickly through it all! I am trying to decide what to do with Casten and his math. He can easily do addition and subtraction (almost as well as Lyssi!) but he doesn't recognize numbers higher than 10! He can count to 50, he just doesn't know what the numbers LOOK like! LOL! He gets bored with learning numbers, but he really likes connect the dots so I think I'll continue to give him some of those and try a number a day until he gets to 20. He loves to do work with his sister and he learns so quickly!

Maizie is starting to get into doing table time! So now I'm going to have to make sure I have things for her to do. She especially loves sitting on my lap looking at books!

My big sleepy heads are still in bed. We should start our school day in about 2 hours!