We ended up going to the ER. When we got there her fever was 102.1! We were there FOREVER and of course she screamed and fought whenever ANYONE came into the room. They took blood and we had to fight to get her to take some oral antibiotics (despite the fact I asked for her to get a shot or IV. As traumatic as it would be, it would be faster and easier than getting her to take them orally. We'd also know she actually got the whole dose in her!) Turns out she has Cellutitis, a skin infection. It's from her scratching a misquito bite.
They let us go home conditionally. He felt that she could go home tonight since she had her first dose of antibiotic there. We have to take her to see her doctor tomorrow (today actually...since it's after midnight) to see what they think of the swelling/redness. If it gets much worse they will have to admitt her and give her IV antibiotics.
Prayers for her healing are appreciated!!!!!!