We are now getting back into a new school year. We have yet to decide what we are doing for Alyssa for school, but we are praying about it and hopefully will come to a decision soon! She really wants to go back to St. Peter, but I think it might not be financially possible. We are hesitant to put her in the school right by the house, we worry that Alyssa would get lost in the mix. She's a good student, which is great, but it doesn't require much attention. We worry that the fact that this school is an ESL school (english as a second language) the focus will be on struggling students and the ESL students. She's also excited about the idea of homeschooling this year though! Being in 1st grade now opens up a WORLD of opportunity in classes and groups.
Casten and Maizie will be homeschooled this year though! I'm really excited about it! We'll be doing Kindergarten with Casten this year! I'm so excited about that! He is begining to read (with some encouragement) and can do simple math problems! He's so smart! He knows way more than I think he does! LOL!
Maizie we'll be doing the preparatory curriculum from letter of the week (LOTW) http://letteroftheweek.com/ We'll be starting next week with week one. We'll include a trip to the cosely zoo http://www.cosleyzoo.org/index.html to see actual cows!
We are really excited about our new school year and are working hard to get everything ready for next week. In addition to our new school year starting next week, we also have VBS! (vacation Bible school) It should be a lot of fun! Anyone in the area that would like to see the closing program on Wednesday please let me know!!!
So that's it for now! We are going to re-organize the downstairs and the kids room today! So much fun!