So today we are starting our workbooks! YAY! (Alyssa is reading what I type out loud)
We don't have time to do much more than that since we are in the middle of VBS! The kids had a blast last night at the first night of VBS. They are so excited to go back!
Today we'll just be reviewing what the kids already know. Just refreshing their brains and getting back in the swing of things!
We are still discussing what this year will bring. We are debating between putting Lyssi back in St. Peter, going to public school, or homeschooling. I have found science classes for homeschooling, a co-op that will also teach science, art and P.E. Also a weekly Bible study for the kids and I with other homeschool families. There is also a homeschool gymnastics group too. Lots of options out there!
So now I'm off, workbooks, lunch, and a trip down to church :)