After making blueberry muffins (or woofins as Casten calls them) from scratch.
Casten reviewed his numbers 1-10 and practiced writing them. He recognizes them, but his fine motor skills are a little behind. I'm hoping to do math together with Lyssi and Casten. Casten can count as high as Lys but needs some work on recognizing numbers higher than 10.

Maizie is working on shapes for the next two weeks. Today we learned about circles. We pointed them out on her placemat, drew some, and then she played with circle stickers. She had a GREAT time! She kept putting them on herself. She had one on her bottom, and when I took it off and said "This was on your bottom" She INSISTED On placing it back on her bottom!

On a fun note, Lyssi lost her first tooth tonight! I told her that she couldn't lose it while I was gone! When she got home she said "Mommy I didn't lose my tooth!" Aunt Beverly told us that it was REALLY loose and asked if she could wiggle it. It came out really quickly! At first Lys was really nervous but she was ECSTATIC after it came out! She is anxiously awaiting the tooth fairy tonight!