Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reading and the Zoo!

We've done a little bit of table time with Casten this week. I think we are finally into a good routine and have adjusted to the early days of school! I was very excited to sit down to do his reading lessons and he remembered them! He's such a smart little bug!
Next week we'll continue our reading lessons and number recognition. He recognizes his numbers 0-9. We are working on writing the numbers and will expand to numbers 10-20 next month. He loves math, so it's easy to get him to sit down and focus! (Alyssa on the other hand....I'm glad her teacher has to deal with it now! LOL!!! She gets so frustrated with math!) It's just the opposite with reading. Casten doesn't enjoy it as much, but I don't usually have to fight with Alyssa and she often asks to do extra lessons!
Thursday night we were reading Alyssa's library book and she read about half of it on her own! I was so excited!!! She really could read more on her own, but she doesn't think she can if I'm not sitting with her! LOL!
Yesterday we used my birthday money to get a Zoo membership. I was very excited about that! Casten had a GREAT time seeing the dinosaurs! Maizie LOVED the fish. I think Grandpa needs to take her on her first trip to the aquarium soon! I'm excited to take advantage of this though! Next week we are begining our study of the continents. We'll start with North America and I thought we'd pick an animal from each continent and study that then go to the Zoo and see it and see what else they can teach about it!
I'm really excited about the enrichment activities we have planned. It's going to be a FUN fall/winter!